
My Top Ten Survivor Kit for Covid-19!

  1. Take a course online. I signed up for the Yale course “The Science of Well-Being on the Coursera website through the Edmonton Public Library.
  2. Baking. I have made pretzels, cheese bread, sourdough bread and buns. I had never used a sourdough starter before and I enjoyed using it.
  3. Get physical. I have made a commitment to log 10000 steps a day. I have a couple of routes and listen to podcasts while I am walking.
  4. Reconnect with old friends. Send a text or an email. I am on my own and I appreciate a quick text from friends that I haven’t heard from in some time.
  5. Family. Stay close to your family, organize weekly Zoom or FaceTime meetings.
  6. Car coffee. Pick up a coffee and meet a friend in a parking lot. You will see many interesting interactions in parking lots.
  7. Meditate. This is hard for me but I am working on it.Start with 5 minutes a day.
  8. Purge your closet. I have tossed out shoes and clothing and filled a couple of garbage bags.
  9. Show kindness. Thank the grocery workers for doing a great job and a smile goes a long way.
  10. Journal. Keeping a daily journal is a good way to reduce stress and anxiety.

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